Ethically Sourced Gold


The Victoria Gold Triangle in Australia, encompassing the regions of Ballarat, Bendigo, and Castlemaine, is renowned for its rich gold mining history dating back to the mid-19th century. The discovery of gold in Ballarat in 1851 sparked one of the world's greatest gold rushes, attracting thousands of prospectors from around the globe. This rush transformed Victoria into a bustling hub of activity and wealth, significantly contributing to the region's economic and cultural development. The early gold seekers employed simple panning and sluicing methods, but as the surface gold dwindled, deeper quartz reef mining and the use of steam-powered equipment became prevalent. Bendigo and Castlemaine soon emerged as major mining centers, each boasting extensive networks of underground mines. Today, while large-scale commercial mining has largely ceased, the Victoria Gold Triangle remains a vibrant area for small-scale prospecting and tourism. Visitors are drawn to its rich heritage, historic mining sites, and the lasting legacy of the gold rush that shaped the region's history and identity.